I just photographed the Philadelphia Home Show at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Lots of stuff for your house, like roofing, siding, furniture, lawn ornaments even a bike machine that burns cellulite. ha!
Monthly Archives: January 2007
Yesterday as I was driving to a job I was listening to Marty Moss-Coane on the radio. She had an expert on talking about being messy actually is better for you. Usually people that are messy are more creative, efficient and happy. hmmmm….now I can stop feeling guilty for having stuff all over my desk....
I love photographing kids but Allie has really made me realize how much fun and wonderful the little moments are….she cracks me up everyday! One of her new favorite things to do is brush her teeth. every morning we brush our teeth together and its the funniest thing. She can’t stand still…she paces up and...