Brand Photographer | New York City Sofia Negron Photography Blog » Brand photographer offering creative and authentic imagery to creative entrepreneurs, public speakers and social media influencers. I have over 16 years experience

I’ve been tagged!

Thanks to my great friend, Jen Manuele I have been tagged by the blog tag chain letteresque thing going around where you have to tell 8 things about yourself that not many people know…so here are 8 things about me:

1. As a child I used to dress up like Diana Prince and spin around and strip down to my wonder woman bathing suit, red galoshes, rope and yellow tiara.

2. “Do ya think I’m Sexy”, by Rod Stewart, was my favorite song as a child. In fact, I had 3 of his albums and would wear a sequined leotard that I had, put on one of the records and dance around for hours. I also did this with Saturday Night Fever, Donna Summers, Michael Jackson and Prince.

3. I used to sit for hours taping myself reading the interviews that I found in my muppet magazines, I even did the voices of each muppet or star doing the interview

4. I always wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer

5. I am always freezing. Once it hits 60, I have to whip out the winter coat. When I was a kid I used to put on my bathing suit, my winter coat and my boots and go out and ride my bike…in the summer!

6. I absolutely love puerto rican/cuban and mexican food. If I could eat plantains, salsa, rice and beans and tacos everyday. I would. I am always on the lookout for good authentic puerto rican food and think it is the one cuisine that is seriously lacking in most places.

7. I can’t sit still. I always have to have a foot tapping, leg shaking, or hip twisting.

8. In the 6 years, I danced and lived in NY, I lived in Long Island, in 4 different apartments on the upper west side, 5th and A in the East Village, Grand Street in Brooklyn, Jamaica Queens and Astoria in Queens. I basically moved where the rent was cheap and could find a sublet. I also worked in 9 different restaurants and about 100 temp jobs all over the city the life of an artist in New York. =)

So now I tag:
Amy Nave
Joy Moody
Crystal Goss
Mary Bess

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