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today was a good day…(kind a long)

In December I sat down with my friend, Geoff and he mentioned this seminar that I should attend. I was really excited to see creativity and business from a different point of view. I find that I become so saturated by my own industry that I don’t always look outside it for inspiration. So I went to this seminar and I feel changes happening. It talked about new ways of thinking and how you can make your own reality. I met some really amazing people. It was three days of intense examination and it just really cleared the way for approaching life differently. I haven’t felt that much inspiration; since I sat in Central Park reading the Artist’s Way and talking with other passionate people. I got affirmation. I had a cheering section. I had people who asked me what I really need. Not just what I think I want but what I really need.

The biggest thing I took away from the seminar is: I make my own way. I have control over my destiny. I can make a change. Change starts with me. That there is only ME and no one else is me and therefore if I am not me then no one else will be.

Two of my favorite quotes are :“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly. To keep the channel open.” -Martha Graham

I don’t want dancers that want to dance, but dancers who to dance. -George Balanchine

Since that seminar, I have gone out on a limb. I laugh when I walk into my office because I have pink post-its all over the wall. But it is my reminder of what I really want. By knowing what I want, I can then take those steps toward that. It becomes this what I want and then I just move there. When I think about it to much, I get overwhelmed. But when I just focus on what needs to be done, it happens.

When I was a dancer there was no question. I knew what I wanted, I knew what I needed. I got up everyday and moved toward that goal, that passion.

As I look more and more at photography as a business and a way to support my family, i find myself forgetting about the passion. When I am photographing something, I find that passion. That need to connect with others, to find something in them to share. This seminar made me realize what is important and if I concentrate on that then my passion will open up new doors. Will make changes.

I have some really awesome things coming up. Some great shoots, cool projects, exciting partnerships and new friendships. I think this is the year of change. Not just for me but the whole country, the whole world.

I had dinner tonight with a really amazing person. I sat down and listened to what he had to say and it reminded me of the late nights of sitting in New York with my best girlfriends and talking about life. about art. about passion. We talked about how one person can make a change. one can make a difference. one person can speak to many.

I think that is what artists do everyday. That is what I hope that my photography does for my clients. I hope that I have touched you in such a way that it has changed you. made you see something about you, or your life or your family or friends.

on that note, i leave you with this video and a link to why he did this video.

hope these ramblings have made some kind of sense…thanks for reading.

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