Marisa and Greg- Get to Know You Session

Marisa and Greg were so much fun. Greg was laughing the whole time because Marisa and I are so much alike. We were both dancers. Love to walk really fast. We ate the exact same thing for lunch and we laughed at the same things.

Marisa and Greg are not getting married until next May but since Greg is in medical school and doing his residency, he has absolutely no time to do anything. Let alone take a beautiful afternoon and do photos. They really wanted to do a beach session because they love the beach. Since they are still a year away, I think I can coax them into another shoot. I’d love to do a fun beach shoot.

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Wendy Hitch - Whoops. Didn’t mean to delete that last comment.
So what I said was… I am so sorry that I flaked on out playdate last Thursday. I am bad with checking my calendar. When are you free to reschedule?
Beautiful photos, as always.
Give Allie a kiss from us.
Oh, I started a blog, mostly about the boys. Check it out when you have the time.
Hope to see you real soon,
WendyJune 3, 2008 - 8:30 am

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