New York Event, Dance, Headshot, Portrait Photographer Sofia Negron Photography Blog » New York photographer offering unobtrusive, authentic imagery 14 years experience

Jennifer and Jeff - Appleford Estate

I have loved working with Jennifer and Jeff. They have been one of my favorite couples this year. Jennifer is absolutely stunning and I really loved how beautiful and summery her wedding was.

Jennifer had stations set up with “make your own” quesadillas, chinese food, vegetarian options and beef. The food was so yummy! Kyra from Offshoots did a beautiful job with the flowers. Leila Miller and her crew from Feastivites did an amazing job with the food and made sure everything ran smoothly. Right before the ceremony, a big rainstorm came through with guests fleeing for cover. Leila and her crew ran out to help guests and pull the music in side. After a 30 minute delay, the sun came out and they did a great job of drying the chairs and getting all the guests outside and comfortable. The rest of the day went off without a hitch. A little hot and sticky but so gorgeous.

Jennifer picked yellow and used silver, white and orange for accents

Finishing touches….

I loved Jennifer’s simple but stunning dress and I loved Appleford’s outdoor beauty. This image puts those elements together to create this stunning photo of Jennifer walking out to see Jeff for the first time
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A perfect moment in perfect light
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The waterfall was simply stunning- thank you for climbing the rocks to get there!
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A little snuggle time
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The ceremony spot was lovely- I love the sun coming in
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The first dance
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I love whne a guest takes a picture at the same time- I knew those point and shoot flashes worked well for something
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Wild times!
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Everyone had such a fun time
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  • Paulo Jordao

    Beautiful shots… I love the one with the couple’s feet and the bouquet.
    Great Job
    Paulo Jordao

  • jennifer

    sofia, you did such and amazing job with our wedding. a month later and the pictures still bring tears to my eyes - it was such a special day and we were so happy to share it with you.

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