New York Wedding and Dance Photographer Sofia Negron Photography Blog » New York Wedding Photographer: Dance Photographer, Event Photographer Sofia Negron Photography Authentic stories through photographs

Actors’ Headshots

Besides photographing weddings, I also do actor’s headshots. Since I used to be a dancer and did some acting, I started photography by shooting headshots. Calling my old dancer and actor friends. Doing headshots are really fun because I get to hang out and photograph someone one on one for about 2 hours. I get to learn a lot about them and see many different sides to their personalities. A headshot has to represent them and really reflect who they are. Most of the time, the headshot is all a casting agent will see before they even consider calling someone in for an audition. The actors headshot is as important to actors as a website is to a photographer. It is the first impression, it is why someone will call an actor in. If the headshot is not accurate, the agent will be really annoyed and will probably not call that actor again. So if you look like and always get cast as a 16 year old supporting actor, it won’t work if the headshot makes you look like a 30 year old leading man.

Since I now have my new studio in Olde City, my old clients are coming again for new shots. Here is one of my latest clients, Sarah. She is gorgeous! If you have any actor friends, have them give me a call.

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