I could just eat baby “C” up. Baby “C” is the newest edition to my fabulous wedding couple, Julia and Mike. I had been anticipating this session ever since I knew she was coming. Anyone that knows Mike and Julia know they are not tall people. Julia is about my height and a skinny minnie but baby “C”: she is one long baby. Baby “C” is only 5.5 weeks old and already wearing 3 month clothes! She also has one of the most expressive faces ever.
Mom was in every shot because every time we put Baby “C” down she would start to wail. So mom, draped in a black cloth held her, which made her very happy. Towards the end of the session, she finally warmed up and let mommy put her down. Personally, I think Baby “C” decided to cooperate because she pooped on my black cloth and felt a little guilty. =) Oh, the joys of photographing newborns.
by Sofia
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