Ali and Tim - Get to Know You session in Allentown

I am heading to the lakehouse today to photograph Ali and Tim’s wedding. I am so excited because they are super sweet, gorgeous and she showed me some of her details; so I know it will be perfect. About 2 weeks ago we got together to do their Get to Know You session in Allentown, where they live. She’s a teacher and he does windows. If you need new windows, he’s the man to call; so I hear. Without further ado…..

Ali and Tim love to go fishing and spend many hours fishing at this little secluded pond near their house

a little sneak into the woods for some fun

I had seen this dilapidated barn on the edge of the road on our way to the pond. Ali said she noticed me gazing longingly at it and knew we just had to stop on our way back. We pulled over and parked the car on the shoulder; expecting some farmer with a shotgun to chase us away. Since I am writing this, you can see we were never bothered.

A little fun hair flipping

Ali is stunning- big brown eyes, blonde hair, petite frame and a heart of gold. I bet all her 6th graders have crushes on her.

Tim is pretty handsome himself!

“ok now goof off!”

Such fun! see ya in a couple of hours….

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