Last week, I photographed Lisa and Todd’s wedding. Their wedding photos are on the way. But first, I have to show you the yummy goodness that is Lisa and Todd. They have this little pomeranian that is making her debut, Sofia. Yes, the dog’s name is Sofia. It made it very interesting all day, both of us kept turning around. You may have even seen me give them paw. Alright enough cornyness. Enjoy!
Lisa is drop dead gorgeous! She loves old architecture so we grabbed some shots of her in front of this cool old door.
Todd looking handsome on a fire escape
I loved this alleyway we found. The stairs are all rusty just what Lisa asked for.
I had to do this shot when I saw the walls on the staircase. Sofia kept curling her tongue out all day. i think that is how she smiles.
Giving Sofia some love. How about you all give me some love and leave a comment or two? =)
I love this pic of Lisa. She looks gorgeous and cute at the same time. i told her to look over at Todd and this is the look she gave him.
by Sofia
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