I really love thank yous. My clients are really wonderful and I am glad that I have them in my life. I get to know such a great people and their families and friends. i especially like when I do multiple weddings from the same circle. It is like visiting old friends. Sometimes I have especially cool clients that go over and above any expectation and give me more than a thank you.
This is what Marisa and Greg did. Shortly after their wedding, I received an envelope with a thank you card and a gift certificate. This was no ordinary gift certificate; they sent me one for Cuba Libre. Cuba Libre Restaurant is where Vic and I were married. She actually remembered that from our conversations and went out of her way to give something really personal. I know how I felt when I received it. I hope that my clients feel this way when they get their photos and little thank you gifts. I try to give each client something personal, something that they mentioned in our conversations, on the GTKY sheet, in an email. Being personal is so important to me.