I had never been to Grounds for Sculpture in New Jersey until Anne and Jeremy suggested it for their Get to Know You session (engagement session). I have to say it is a pretty interesting place and lots of fun. I love all the sculptures scattered throughout. There are so many people sculptures integrated into the landscape that sometimes people weren’t sure if we were real. We had such a good time finding different scenes that we could use to add some interest.
Enough about Grounds for Sculpture and onto the couple, Anne and Jeremy. Jeremy was Anne’s shift supervisor when she worked campus security while in college. Since I hadn’t met Anne and Jeremy before their GTKY session (yes they booked me just from phone calls and website), I was a little nervous she might be rough around the edges. I mean if you were my security guard, I’d want you to be able to kick some butt. However, Anne is as feminine and gentle as a kitty cat. When questioned about being a security guard she said, “It was the highest paying job on campus and I like a little adventure. We were usually always in teams and never had anything bad happen to us” Although she did tell me about the ghost house on campus, but that is for another story. Now, thankfully, the college hires professional security guards not students.
I asked Anne and Jeremy what is special about them and their relationship. “We balance each other out. I love Disney he loves Star Trek, I am loud and flail my arms a lot and he is quiet and likes to fix things. It may not be that unique but that is what we love most about our relationship, the balance”
I could definitely see the balance and they both have a great sense of humor. So, without further ado, Anne and Jeremy.
It’s like Where’s Waldo! Can you find Anne and Jeremy?
This is one of my favorite sculptures and theirs. Look closely at the image, do you see what Jeremy stumbled upon. It’s pretty cool. There’s even sound effects that make it feel real.
There were at least 4 sets of tourists that thought they were statues when I was doing this shot on the bench.
by Sofia
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