I never posted these! I took a much needed vacation at the end of August with the fam. We went camping in Cape Cod and then trekked up to Boston for 2 days. This was only the second time I have been camping…ever. This time we did it right. We bought the huge 6 person tent, brought the queen size air mattress, Allie got a twin size and picked a campground with nice bathrooms. I am not really made entirely for camping, gross bathrooms skeeve me out and with a 5 year old, telling her to not touch every gross surface in the bathroom is an undertaking. But it was really nice to do nothing for 4 days! I read an entire book, did crossword puzzles, checked out fashion magazines, went swimming and took hikes. We ventured up to P-town on our last day but I have to say the beaches along the way were much better than the overcrowded tourist trap. On our way back to the campground we discovered an amazing seafood restaurant, Mac’s Seafood Shack, on a little back road in Wellfleet. The lobster and clams were exquisite.
We then ventured up to Boston which was a lot of fun since I haven’t been back in 15 years. Both the hubby and I went to school there. He went to Berklee College of Music and I went for a year to Boston Conservatory. So much has changed in that town, especially near the schools. Our hotel was hosting the Emerson College “welcome to school” dance in the ballroom. It was interesting to see all the teenagers, bright eyed and new to all their independence, going in. I wondered if I was that green and awkward then. Who am I kidding, I am still green and awkward!
Here are a few pics from the trip!
Allie picking up an ant
some moss growing on trees
hiking in the woods with daddy and Allie
Allie dubbed him “Spidey”
One of the beautiful ponds in Nickerson State Park
A lonely mushroom
Checking out some pics they took with the cell phoneAllie playing at the water’s edge
These next 2 photos are Allie’s…I think we might have a photographer on our hands
A feather
You can’t go camping without having S’mores
Our trip up the coast
No vacation is complete without some surf and sand
by Sofia
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