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New York Get to Know You Session: Central Park

I can’t wait for Jess and Andrew’s wedding at Stage 6 in Brooklyn! But let me allow you to get to know them first.

On a cold night in early February, Jess and Andrew both decided to attend the birthday party of a mutual friend, Alisha. She was a co-worker of Jess’ and a friend of Andrew’s. For Jess, it was a chance to go to Gstaad, a bar that was a couple doors down from her apartment, while for Andrew, it was the chance to re-introduce himself to friends after marooning himself in his village apartment watching the NFL playoffs. The two were immediately introduced and despite Jess’ refusal to let Andrew order her a drink due to her strict “two drink minimum” (like all great comedy and jazz clubs), they hit it off.

Andrew walked her home (yes, he can be a gentleman for a half a block) numbers were exchanged, but Andrew did not call until the following Thursday after his return from a business trip. Though the facts surrounding this allegedly unacceptable delay are in dispute, a Sunday brunch date at Five Points in the East Village was arranged. Brunch turned into an afternoon walking around Greenwich Village and Soho, which turned into a second date on Valentine’s Day. A long-distance relationship requiring either a 25 minute walk or two stops on the F train ensued. Within two months, plans were made for a trip to Italy and as they say, the rest was history.

Getting to hang out with Jess and Andrew, i can see how perfect they are together. They are both optimistic, laid back,and fun to be with. Jess says she is very Type A, which I think can be very beneficial and Andrew tries to be funny and most of the time succeeds.

We took a little walk through Central Park and visited a few of their favorite spots. Enjoy!

This is where Andrew proposed, in a boat under the bridge. So sad we couldn’t do boat photos but alas no boats in the winter time

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