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Jessica and Andrew featured in the New York Times Wedding Section

Jessica and Andrew’s story and engagement picture was chosen for one of the coveted New York Times wedding/celebration announcements. In fact the New York Times loved their story and photo so much, they even made a video of them. When I first met Jessica and Andrew, she told me it was her dream to be featured in the New York Times wedding section. I am so glad I was able to help make that happen. They published their story on their wedding date: February 27, 2011.

Here is the photo they used from their engagement session:

Here is a screen grab and link to read the rest of the article in the New York Times:

Here is a link to the video- I loved how they spent time with them and shared the story of how they met, follow-up dates and how he proposed.

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Amanda Allen - March 23, 2011 - 11:13 pm

This is wonderful - congrats Sofia! Love the story.

Dotty - April 14, 2011 - 9:34 pm

That’s way more clever than I was epxeticng. Thanks!

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