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New York Dance Photographer: Gallery showing at the TRUST Gallery in Philadelphia

Sofia Negron Photography is proud to announce a solo gallery showing of dance photographs from the last 5 years of Shut Up and Dance. The showing will be the entire month of May at TRUST Gallery in Philadelphia. The gallery opening will be held on May 6, 2011 from 6:00-9:00PM at TRUST at 249 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19106. During the month of May, the show can be seen Tuesday through Sunday from 10:00AM-6:00PM. It free and open to the public.

These images are more than just pretty dance photographs but a representation of the commitment of a community of artists, volunteers and a non-profit organization to bring life to others and feed their bodies and souls.

In 1993, dancers at the Pennsylvania Ballet wanted to do something to respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. They realized the best thing they could do was “shut up and dance”. Every year since, the dancers have partnered with MANNA in presenting a one-night-only performance. For the last 5 years, Sofia Negron has had the honor of photographing this performance.

Especially for people at acute nutritional risk due to life-threatening illness, MANNA (Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance) prepares and delivers delicious nourishing meals and counsel, empowering individuals to battle illness and improve their quality of life. They provide 3 meals a day, 7 days a week at no charge. Every Shut Up and Dance ticket provides meals for one client.

A photographer for the last 10 years, Sofia Negron loves capturing movement and stories. Sofia not only photographs dancers and other artists, she also tells authentic love stories through her wedding photography. A former dancer herself, Sofia loves to capture the energy, the lines and the very soul of each dancer.

This exhibit will raise awareness for this wonderful organization, pay tribute to the dancers who have participated in these performances, and showcase Sofia’s dance photography work. 100% of the profits generated by the sale of these works during the show will be donated to MANNA.


Special thank you to:

Dancers and choreographers of Shut Up and Dance
Trust Gallery
Judith Campbell of Campbell Studios
Tom Tallitsch
Mike Kennedy
bRhenda Starr

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Ryan - April 21, 2011 - 8:13 pm

That first image is BANGIN’, Sofia.

AC - April 25, 2011 - 9:33 am

Congrats on the show!

AC - April 25, 2011 - 9:34 am

Congrats on the show. That’s a lot of work to show case. Best of luck.

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