Same sex marriage bill passes in New York

Congratulations New York! Same sex couples can now be married in New York! I am really proud of being a New Yorker. It was about time. In a city where people come to search out and make their dreams come true, it is only fitting that gay couples can now come here and make their marriage legal. What a victory for the gay rights movement that started here with Stonewall!

There are many gay people close to me that will now be able to receive the same rights as other married couples in New York state. We still have a long way to go because there are still over 1,000 federal benefits that are out of reach but it is a huge step forward.

I can’t wait to capture and share the stories of many more same sex couples! Love has no boundaries.

Here are some great articles about gay marriage in New York!

New York City’s official tourism website- answers about getting married in New York

Gay marriage will change couples financial lives

Waking up to new marriage laws - love that they mention a couple in their 90′s who have been together for 50 years are planning to go on the 25th and get married!

The Road to gay marriage in New York

Looking forward to Wedding Bells

Bernadette Covey Smith, wedding planner for 14 Stories, a gay wedding planning company has a great post about getting married in New York


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