New York Wedding and Dance Photographer Sofia Negron Photography Blog » New York Wedding Photographer: Dance Photographer, Event PhotographerSofia Negron Photography

New York Moment: Dance Parties Solve Everything

So today’s moment is not related to weddings at all. It is actually a personal photo I took with my iphone. The quality is not great but the moment is.

My daughter reminds me of what is important in life. That sometimes you just have to step back and have a dance party. Dance around, jump around, groove your hips, sing really loud and make up the words if you do not know them. She is famous for that. Surprisingly she knows the words to almost every pop song there is but when she doesn’t she still screams jibberish. It is also funny because most pop songs are inappropriate for 7 year olds so when we walk down the street and she sings “Call Me Maybe or I Kissed a Girl”, I am sure everyone must think I am the worst mom ever. Oh well, what matters is she has fun. She smiles and makes you forget all the everyday adult stuff we deal with. So this moment reminds me dance parties solve everything. When you do not know what to do shake your booty, sing out loud and fake it until you know what to do.

What do you love doing to relax, unwind and get in touch with what is important?

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