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Things I love: Wedding First Glances


The first glance is something many couples are split about. Some want to honor the tradition of not seeing each other before the ceremony. However, seeing each other before the ceremony offers many benefits. You look fresh and at your best, you get to have a private moment with your spouse-to-be without the pressure and awkwardness of 100′s of eyes staring at you and it relieves a lot of pressure. You can actually have an authentic moment with each other. Get on the same team and set up a game plan. When you each other walking down the aisle, you are rooting for each other instead of wondering what the other is thinking. Plus, all the posed photos are out of the way before the day gets started and you can enjoy the entire wedding.

Here is one that was fun and playful. This perfectly describes who they are as a couple.

The nice thing about a first moment: You can set it up somewhere beautiful.

Pure joy and excitement

Christi was super excited but Brad started to break down when he saw how beautiful she looked. He was overwhelmed.

So, do you still want to follow the tradition or give yourself the option of having private moments when you look your best?

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