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New York Wedding Moment: Home

Today’s New York wedding moment comes from Amy and Ryan’s wedding. I asked Amy to tell me what home means to her and how it might relate to her wedding photos.

Home to me means nothing more than being with the people that you love. It doesn’t matter where you live or what kind of home you live in, because as long as you are surrounded by your loved ones, you are home. My husband’s job is one that may require us to move quite a few times over the years. So although we may not have a “house” to call our own, it will still feel like our home because we will always come home to family and that is the most important thing of all. It’s through pictures that we are able to capture our journey and the adventures we will share in all of our “homes”. We can remember these moments that will define our lives together and different milestones as our family grows. So to me, a home is not just a place to live in, but somewhere you share love and experience life with your family. -Amy and Ryan

My hope is that your wedding photos will remind of you of home. They will be a way for you to share love and your life with family. Home gives you a sense of belonging and your wedding photos will give your family for generations a sense of belonging.

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