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Category Archives: Actor Headshots

Tuesday Tip: No awkward headshots allowed

I have been doing a lot of headshots for entrepreneurs and small businesses lately. The biggest things people say to meRead more and see photos »

New York Actor Headshots

Here are a few more recent headshots of talented actors!Read more and see photos »

New York actor headshot - Rebecca O’Sullivan

Now that I have moved back to New York, all my old actor and dancer friends are calling to get headshots. I actuallyRead more and see photos »

New York Actor Headshots- oldies but goodies

Since moving back to New York, I am doing more actor headshots. These are really fun because I get to spend time gettingRead more and see photos »

Actors’ Headshots

Besides photographing weddings, I also do actor’s headshots. Since I used to be a dancer and did some acting, IRead more and see photos »

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