Today we went to the annual Chestnut Hill bike parade and festival. Here are some pics shot with the iphone.
Here’s Allie on her brand new shiny retro red flyer tricycle geared up for the parade
riding around
the ever famous pony ride
next year……..FIREWORKS
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This time of year brings about lots of resolutions and I am no different. A big resolution is to lose all the baby weight that I gained and never lost. I even think I have gained weight since Allie was born. So, I am hoping that all of you will join me in my challenge....
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Well it was the first snowfall in Philly and Allie was super excited. First she stood in the windowsill with daddy and then she just grabbed her stool and watched it for a long time. Not much snow covered the ground but it was enough for a two year old.
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so we had these workers come to replace part of our curb and one morning Allie was walking to the car to go to school and says: “Good Morning Guys!” and they wave and then “Hey, where’s the big belly guy!?!”
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