This obvious but many times forgotten tip comes from the lovely Lauren of Lauren and Matt. Get some sleep before the big day!
Here is what Lauren says: “SLEEP! As the big day got closer, so many of my friends that were former brides told me that they hardly slept the night before the wedding and that they were so stressed and tired that day. I made sure that all of the little details were finished and completed so I didn’t have to worry about anything. The day before the wedding I went out to a relaxing lunch with my bridal party, went to the gym and was in bed by 9pm! I slept a full 9 hours and felt so refreshed and relaxed the day of the wedding. Plus, it helped my skin stay refreshed too for all of those pictures!”
Getting sleep is huge. I definitely realized it while I was in Vegas this past week. I was coming down with a cold and the first two nights I was there I stayed up until at least 2:00AM! I usually go to bed by 11:30PM. 2:00AM is not so bad but I had to be up for classes at 8:00AM. Needless to say my cold got worse. I finally took naps and slept and felt much better and more refreshed. The thing about skin feeling refreshed too- well anyone who has been to vegas knows how dry it is. After getting lots of sleep, I did not feel so dried out and lethargic on that 4th day.
Now to see what happens to you if you really don’t get enough sleep- go rent The Machinist. It is a really awesome movie starring Christian Bale (You know, batman) Here’s the trailer.
by Sofia
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