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New York Historical Society - Lindsay Landman Events

Just before the new year, Lindsay Landman of Lindsay Landman Events called me to come and photograph details for a Bat Mitzvah she designed at the New York Historical Society. Lindsay is very talented, always connecting with her client and working to bring beautiful designs to life. I loved the fuschia, polka dots and lime green color palette. She also mixed in some candy which is always very yummy. I really wanted to steal the jelly bellies off the cocktail tables.

This was the place card table- I like the hanging photos which give a nice personal touch and reminds me of candy. She also used gumball filled lucite trays with rainbow lollipops as the seating cards.

lollipop placecard2

Here was the cocktail area which had vases filled with jelly belly jelly beans. It took all self control to not reach in and eat them. They are one of my favorite candies. I also love the teal walls in the historical society which is very elegant. Of course anyone that uses my branding colors has a special place in my heart.



The main room! Gorgeous! Lindsay used long tables with fuschia tablecloths and polka dot runners. The colors had so much life and tied the candy theme together well without being cheasy. I also loved that she used different colored flowers in different sizes. The ball shape was reminiscent of the polka dotted runner.

NY historical society

table number

flower balls

table fuschia polka dots

napkin closeup fuschia

Check out Lindsay’s blog for more info on this fab party!

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