Musician photos- Tim McGlone and the Turn

A few weeks ago, I went to the National Underground and photographed Tim McGlone and the Turn. I met Tim a few years ago and was really excited to come hear them play and capture some cool pics of them performing. The National Underground is a very small club/bar in the East Village. Downstairs in the basement is a small room with a bar and a stage area with two stage lights. A really bright pink one which illuminates the singer and pretty much nothing else and a red one that lit stage right. The poor keyboardist was jammed behind a post in the dark. It was a typical tiny bar in the village where good and not so good bands play. It was definitely fun and I hope to get to do more of these types of photos. Ultimately, I’d like to follow a band from practice, load in, backstage, performance, studio and everything in between. I really love capturing the whole story and getting to know my subjects. Enjoy!

Here is a video clip that I shot while I was playing around with my Canon 5D MKII. The audio in the club was not great.

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