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Kristina and Todd – Rittenhouse Hotel Wedding part 3 of 3

Part One and Two of Kristina and Todd’s wedding shared with you all the glorious moments from their day. However, Kristina had so many exquisite details, I just had to share them. Judith Campbell, Campbell Studios, designed all of the decor and floral. Event Fx, under the supervision of Kris Summey, did some pin spotting and ambient lighting for the room. Without the lighting the flowers would just stay in the dark and get lost. I’ll even post a before and after so you can see the difference lighting makes. The word photography means the art of using light rays to form an image on a light sensitive material. The quality and quantity of light affects the image immensely.

Here is that before and after I was talking about. The image on the left did not get pinspotted yet and the image on the right has flowers that are pinspotted.

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  • I had GD Christmas music stuck in my head all night after this episode. 😐 I was so happy to see Joan back in the plot, flaliny. That front secretary is annoying as hell and I secretly hoped Joan would slug her in the face. Throwing a model airplane at her is close enough. My hatred for Greg continues to grow and he’s not even on the show anymore. The whole scene in the bar with Joan and Don made me incredibly sad. I had such mixed feelings because it’s true she and Don are the most beautiful and would be the most powerful couple on this show but I don’t want them to ever be together because their relationship is perfect the way it is. Don is probably the one man in that office that she could talk to like that, and their flirting was truly harmless. He may be a giant d-bag sometimes but his relationships with Peggy and Joan make me happy. I want to crush all of Pete’s hopes and dreams. I’m glad no one really gave a shit about their chance at the Jag account and that it was Don that made them care about it anyway.

  • […] Inspiration for having both high and low centerpiecesKristina & Todd’s Rittenhouse wedding - Sophia Negron […]

  • Just gorgeous. You captured it beautifully.

  • Beautiful. Just beautiful.

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